JavaScript Books Published!

After a long time spent in the editing room, I finally published both books that I kept talking about for the past few weeks in my blog. You can get them here:

Introduction to The Books

Underhanded JavaScript catalogues the various kinds of “naughty” things that can be done with JavaScript. These are followed by explanations as to why they happen, and also how to maliciously use them (in tongue-in-cheek tones of course, I don’t expect you to actually deploy such code. If you do, ಠ_ಠ.

JavaScript Technical Interview Questions rephrases those underhanded code presented in Underhanded JavaScript as interview questions (which is quite true as to what happens), and guides readers on how to handle these sorts of questions in real technical interviews.

I recommend the latter book as a companion to Gayle Laakman’s Cracking the Coding Interview.

Current Status

The books are in the final stages of being edited, especially after the adventures I had in A/B testing. The content tone is still being edited for the Interview Questions book – for suitability, as well as more content on handling interviews. The tone for Underhanded JavaScript is currently being edited to be more gangsta-ish and badass.

P/S: You can buy them as a bundle too:

I am glad to have published the books – I’m pretty tired at this point. I’ll probably do a write up on my experiences writing the books later. Until next time.

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